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Roland Kovac New Set "Love That" CD

Roland Kovac New Set "Love That" CD

Roland Kovac New Set "Love That" CD

Art. Nr.: CD-072 Land/Jahr: GER 1972

Second progressive longplayer of the Roland Kovac New Set.
Sofort lieferbar.

After "The master said" (1971), "Love that" (1972) was the second progressive longplayer of the Roland Kovac New Set, again instrumental and with jazzy touches, playful organ solos and wild guitars, very much in the mood of the time. Instead of Franz Löffler, Peter Trunk played bass, Keith Forsey had replaced Charly Antolini on drums and Brian Auger joined on keyboards. The two remaining members of the original line-up were master Roland Kovac himself on keyboards and guitar wizard Siegfried Schwab, previously with Et Cetera and Embryo. Lovers of "The master said" will not be disappointed by "Love that". Although still relatively unknown, both LPs have a collectors´ prices from US$ 250 to US$ 400. The simple original uniform copper-metallic coloured cover was, as usual on Garden of Delights, used for the CD release, too.


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