Faithful Breath "Fading Beauty" LP
Those connecting Faithful Breath from Bochum with hard rock are right as regards their later works. In the beginning, however, they played psychedelia, then, initiated by their keyboarder Manfred von Buttlar, symphonic rock dominated by Mellotron. Their first LP is considered to be their best work: 'Fading Beauty' (FB Music AA 6963233), recorded at the end of 1973 and released as a private pressing in early 1974. Especially the long track 'Tharsis', occupying an entire side of the LP, is a real masterpiece. Deluxe re-release from the master tape. In the 40-page insert in LP size, there is the usual detailed band history in German and English, a detailed discography, as well as plenty of cover and label reproductions, many poster repros, and photographs of the artists.
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