Super Power Plant "s/t" Col-LP
The idea of this German quartet was to establish a unique hypnotic style of progressive heavy riff rock with "modern" stoner/psychedelic/metal aspects combined with flashes from the 70s, and they did not fail! The album became an interesting mix of music which is totally aside of the mainstream with distinctive vocals. The lyrical emphasis lies on philosophic, actual political and social topics. Musically you´ll hear dark, epic, powerful and heavy riffs combined with filigree beauty and hypnotic grooves, always in search of a new tone and method of expression. Two musicians of the band Treacle People which were already released by World In Sound gave essential contributions to this album. Here you can get a fucking cool heavy rock album with King Crimson meets Kyuss flair, limited to 500 copies (400 black vinyl, 100 tourquoise) - exclusively distributed by World In Sound!
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