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Postures "Halucinda" LP

Postures "Halucinda" LP

Postures "Halucinda" LP

Art. Nr.: WIS-3529 Land/Jahr: SWE 2016

Promising 2nd album by Swedish heavy progressive rock quintet.
Sofort lieferbar.

Due to complications at the pressing, the album will be available from early June !!!

"Halucinda" is the promising second album by Swedish heavy progressive rock quintet POSTURES. The young band and their distinctive singer Paulina Nyström delivers a sophisticated and rousing gem. The diversity of their usually longer songs ranges from gloomy and hypnotic elements to heavy riffs with complex rhythms to deepest melancholy. Conceptually "Halucinda" is a journey to the 1970s, in the spheres of Pink Floyd or Yes, but with more modern influences like Mars Volta or The Gathering. The album provides a cross-genre timelessness. With the necessary sonority, Nyström´s crystal clear voice forms a dominant thread, delicate and alluring like Björk, Portishead and simultaneously with the power of Blues Pills.


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