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Embryo "Father, Son, And Holy Ghosts" CD

Embryo "Father, Son, And Holy Ghosts" CD

Embryo "Father, Son, And Holy Ghosts" CD

Art. Nr.: CD-092 Land/Jahr: GER 1972

Embryo's third album.
Sofort lieferbar.

"Father, Son And Holy Ghosts" was the title of Embryo's third LP. A title which wasn't meant at all religiously, but ironically: It was intended as to pull a leg to the so-called "Holy trinity": The comparatively old Mal Waldron figured as "father" (the band's foster-father so to speak), Embryo was thought of as "son", and with "holy ghosts" they meant their ideas. The great Siegfried Schwab convinces on guitar, veena and tarang, bringing the sounds of India with him. The additional track (20 minutes) with great violin is a soundboard recording taken from the "3rd Essener Pop & Blues Festival" in 1970, which never had been released before. That makes the already deleted CD on the Disconforme label obsolete now. The thick booklet comes with large story, discography, cover and label repros and many photographs. Progressive jazz-rock, mostly instrumental.


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